The Right Investors for the Right Business

Finding the right investors for small businesses is often top of the list for entrepreneurs. It’s tempting to cast a wide net and see who shows any interest. That may work sometimes, but it often leads to a lot of wasted time and possibly loss of some control over your business – a loss that was not intended.  It’s much wiser to go after the right type of funding and maintain control over the process. There are so many different kinds of investors that you can target, and you want to attract the ones that fit your strategic goals to save time, effort and money.

Investors all have one thing in common – they want to get a decent return on their investment. However, they have different requirements concerning collateral, equity ownership, business control and investment payback time. Each of these issues must be carefully evaluated from the business and the potential investor’s perspectives. For example, venture capitalists may want to share control of the business depending on the circumstances. If you don’t want to give up control, it would be wiser to attract angel investors or apply for a business loan.

Small businesses need to exercise the same type of caution with investors as the large corporations do. Matching the right investor to the right investment is a formula for success. However, it never pays to get too excited about accepting funding from investors unless you fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of that particular type of investment. The reason there are so many types of investors is because there are so many different types of business needs.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.