HI, My name is Stacey, I am the owner and operator for F45 Training Campbell River BC. I have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for 6 years now. I wanted to make an impact on the community and open F45 so that everyone could come in and have access to personal training for a great cost. ( F45 stands for functional 45, every class is 45 mins long, lead by leading technology) We have been open for about a year now! we need some working capital to get our member base up! to do this we will be working with a marketing company, we have worked with them before and they generate roughly 7 plus leads per day, we need to add a few more evening classes to accomidate all the shift workers,I would like to purchase a heaver equipment pack for the members who are getting stronger! and for the new already strong members joining our team. We will be getting a beverage fridge and working with biosteele for BCAA drinks and suppliemnts. we have a steady increse in growth each month, we had a 24% increse in January and expect to see that again for february. I have a staff of 7 and i plan to promote 2 of them so i can get some assistance on my POS and calling leads. what we offer is a gym membership for $84.00/bi weekly (this is our annual membership price) members get all access to the gym. we are a class based facility with 2 personal trasiners in each class. the personal trainers are able to walk around the room and give that 1 on 1 feeling to each member.They are able to do this because we have TV's (7) that lead the movements for the class. Mondays and wednesdays we have cardio based classes and Tuesdays and Thursdays are resistance days, Friday saturday and sunday classes are Hybrid classes (combination of cardio and strength) F45 is a franchise that stared in Australia, Mark whakberg is a huge investor in this product! so we know it works and delivers results!! we cant wait to hear from you, we are so excited to level up our business for our town to enjoy! Thanks for reading